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Postpartum Recovery Essentials: Vaginal Birth

TUCKS Medicated Cooling Pads Dermoplast Pain, Burn & Itch Relief Spray Frida Mom C-Section Recovery Must Have Kit for Labor Frida Mom Witch Hazel Perineal Healing Foam for Postpartum Care Frida Mom Witch Hazel Perineal Cooling Pad Liners for Postpartum...

Pumping Essentials

The first few weeks to few months of newborn life are the most exhausting. And if you’re also pumping around the clock, you’ll want anything to make your life easier. Below are a few of the pumping essentials that we...

Introducing Solids

Ready for solids? Or maybe your baby is, but you aren’t. Or maybe your doctor is, but neither you nor baby are. Our doctor recommended us to start solids around four months. Supposedly the earlier you start, the earlier you...

Breastfeeding Essentials

For most people I know, breastfeeding didn’t come easily or naturally. At first it’s painful, difficult, and there’s a steep learning curve, especially during the first several weeks. Below are all things that helped me on my breastfeeding journey. For...

Hospital Bag Checklist: Part 3: Postpartum Baby

Now that you’ve packed for labor (Hospital Checklist: Part 1) and post-labor for yourself (Hospital Checklist: Part 2), you’ll need to pack for baby. Below are items I packed for post-labor for baby. Reusable Grocery Bags Try to bring several...

Hospital Bag Checklist: Part 2: Postpartum Momma

Now that you’ve packed your labor and delivery items from the Hospital Bag Checklist: Part 1 post, you need to think about what I packed for after labor. Below are items I packed for post-delivery for myself. Hopefully it’s not...